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Topic areas and content for picture tasks in the theory test relating to all licence categories

Driving straight

  • I may drive straight (in this lane). Based on the traffic management, lane markings and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether you are allowed to continue driving straight in the lane shown in the picture. This statement is not asking about matters relating to the obligation to yield the right-of-way or compulsory stopping of the vehicle.

Driving to the right

  • I may turn to the right (in this lane). Based on the traffic management, lane markings and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether you are allowed to continue driving straight in the lane shown in the picture. This statement is not asking about matters relating to the obligation to yield the right-of-way or compulsory stopping of the vehicle.

Driving to the left

  • I may turn to the left (in this lane). Based on the traffic management, lane markings and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether you are allowed to continue driving straight in the lane shown in the picture. This statement is not asking about matters relating to the obligation to yield the right-of-way or compulsory stopping of the vehicle.

Giving way when driving straight

  • I drive straight on. I must let the road user(s) visible in the picture go first.
  • Based on the traffic management, lane markings, traffic environment and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether the picture contains vehicles or individuals to which, according to the traffic rules, you should give way.

Giving way when driving to the right

  • I drive to the right. I must let the road user(s) visible in the picture go first.
  • Based on the traffic management, lane markings, traffic environment and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether the picture contains vehicles or individuals to which, according to the traffic rules, you should give way.

Giving way when driving to the left

  • I drive to the left. I must let the road user(s) visible in the picture go first.
  • Based on the traffic management, lane markings, traffic environment and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether the picture contains vehicles or individuals to which, according to the traffic rules, you should give way.


  • I may start to overtake the vehicle in front.
  • Do the traffic rules permit overtaking in the situation shown?

Changing lanes

  • I may change lane.
  • Do the traffic rules and road markings permit changing lanes in the situation shown?


  • I must stop.
  • Do the traffic rules require you to stop in the situation shown?


  • The white vehicle shown in the picture is parked correctly.
  • Is the vehicle parked correctly, in accordance with the markings, signs and traffic rules?

Risk identification

  • Correct actions to take in potential hazardous situations and how to avoid such situations.

For driving licence categories AM/120, AM/121, T, A1, A2, A, B and BE, the theory test content is drawn from the following topic areas

Road traffic rules

  • Primarily the rules of the Road Traffic Act (tieliikennelaki) and Road Traffic Decree (tieliikenneasetus), and particularly road signs, markings and signals, rights of way and speed limits


  • Driver’s perception, judgement and decision-taking, especially reaction time, as well as changes in driving behaviour due to the influence of alcohol, drugs and medicinal products, state of mind and fatigue
  • Importance of taking into account other road users


  • Most important principles concerning the observance of a safe distance between vehicles, braking distances and staying on the road in different weather and road conditions
  • Driving risk factors related to various road conditions, in particular as they change with the weather and the time of day or night
  • Characteristics of various types of road and the related statutory requirements

Other road users

  • Specific risk factors related to other road users, to the movement and driving of various types of vehicles and the different fields of view of their drivers
  • Giving consideration to the most vulnerable categories of road users such as children, pedestrians, cyclists and people with reduced mobility

General rules and regulations and other matters

  • General rules specifying how the driver must behave in the event of an accident, such as setting warning devices and raising the alarm, and the measures that the driver can take to assist road accident victims where necessary
  • Safety factors relating to the vehicle, the load and persons carried, and documents relating to vehicle use

Precautions necessary when getting out of a vehicle

  • Special features relating to getting out of the vehicle, such as safety factors involved in parking and stopping the vehicle

Mechanical aspects affecting road safety

  • The most common faults, in particular in the steering, suspension and braking systems, tyres, lights and direction indicators, reflectors, rear-view mirrors, windscreen and wipers, the exhaust system, seat belts and the audible warning device

Vehicle safety equipment

  • The operation and correct use of vehicle safety equipment and, in particular, the use of seat belts, headrests and child safety seats

Vehicle use and the environment

  • Environment-related rules on vehicle use, such as the appropriate use of audible warning devices, moderate fuel consumption and limiting emissions

Additional topic areas
for categories A1, A2 and A

The use of protective equipment

  • The use of protective gloves, boots, clothing and helmets

The visibility of motorcyclists to other road users

  • Matters relating to the visibility of the motorcyclist, such as the visibility of reflectors, lights and protective equipment

Risk factors related to road conditions

  • The safety impacts of road surface grip (as affected by drain covers, road markings and tram tracks, for example) and other road conditions

Mechanical aspects of a motorcycle affecting traffic safety

  • Matters relating to the mechanical condition of a motorcycle, such as emergency stop switches, oil levels and chains, as well as the driver’s responsibility for the condition of the motorcycle and its correct use.

Topic areas for categories
C, CE, C1, C1E, D, DE, D1 and D1E

Rules concerning driving times and rest periods

  • Driving times and rest periods for non-professional traffic and the use of tachographs

Transport of goods or carriage of passengers

  • Rules relating to the transport of goods or carriage of passengers, as well as matters relating to safe and environmentally-friendly driving

Vehicle and transport documents

  • Vehicle and transport documents required for the national and international carriage of goods and passengers

How to behave in the event of an accident

  • Correct actions to take after an accident or similar occurrence, including emergency action such as evacuating passengers and basic knowledge of first aid

Precautions to be taken when changing tyres

  • Correct actions to take after a tyre failure and how to safely change tyres

Rules on vehicle weights, dimensions and speed limiting devices

  • The statutory vehicle and cargo dimensions for the licence category in question and the legislation on speed limiting devices

Obstruction of the field of vision
caused by the characteristics of vehicles

  • Risk factors related to the structure of lorries and buses and how to take these factors into account

Reading a road map and route planning

  • Matters to be taken into account in route planning for lorry and bus drivers, including the use of electronic navigation systems

Safety factors relating to loading a vehicle

  • Controlling, stowing and fastening the load, difficulties with different kinds of loads, loading and unloading goods and using loading equipment (only for categories C, CE, C1 and C1E)

Driver’s responsibility in passenger transport

  • Passengers’ comfort and safety, transporting children, required checks before starting to drive (only for categories D, DE, D1 and D1E).

Topic areas for categories C, CE, D and DE

The construction and functioning of a vehicle

  • Internal combustion engines, oils and fluids (e.g. engine oil, coolant and washer fluid), fuel system, electrical system, ignition system, transmission system (e.g. clutch, gearbox)

Lubrication and antifreeze protection

  • Actions for vehicle lubrication and antifreeze protection

The construction, fitting, correct use and care of tyres

  • Tyre safety matters

Brakes and speed governors

  • The types, operation, main parts, connection, use and day-to-day maintenance of brake fittings and speed governors and the use of anti-lock brakes

Coupling systems

  • The principles of the types, operation, main parts, connection, use and day-today maintenance of coupling systems (only for categories CE and DE)

Methods of locating causes of breakdowns

  • Most common lorry, bus and trailer faults which drivers must be able to notice and identify (e.g. information given by indicators and indicator lights)

Preventive maintenance of vehicles and necessary running repairs

  • Vehicle maintenance and repair actions that can be carried out by the driver

Driver’s responsibility for goods

  • The driver’s responsibility for receiving, transporting and delivering goods in accordance with the agreed conditions, including matters relating to loading and securing the cargo (only for categories C and CE).

The questions asked in theory test are based on the topics listed in Annex II of the Driving Licence  Directive.


