Front Page: Ajokortti-info
Front Page: Ajokortti-info

Driver's fitness to drive

Traficom prepares instructions for physicians on the assessment of the driver's fitness to drive vehicles in road traffic. Traficom has no competence to rule on individual assessments of persons in road traffic. A medical report must always be submitted to Traficom's service provider Ajovarma in connection with driving licence applications.

The police are responsible for monitoring drivers' ability and fitness to drive and may decide on related measures, such as imposing a driving ban. The medical report is submitted to the police in cases concerning the monitoring of fitness to drive.

Submit a medical report to Ajovarma as an attachment to your application when

The police is responsible for monitoring fitness to drive

A medical report on the monitoring of fitness to drive is submitted to the police in the following situations:

  • the customer is required to submit a medical report based on a certain age (holders or driving licences for lorries and/or buses and coaches)
  • the client is required to submit a medical report earlier than usual or
  • the police has issued a separate order for the client to submit the report.

Traficom will send you a letter if you are required to submit a medical report based on a certain age or your obligation to submit a report has been brought forward. A background information form is attached to the letter.

  • Fill out the background information form (External link) attached to the letter from Traficom. You may ask any questions concerning the form from the physician carrying out the medical examination.
  • Take the pre-filled background information form and your driving licence with you to the medical examination.

Even if a customer has not received the letter, he or she is obligated to submit the certificate to the police. While the physician should submit the medical report directly to the police, the customer may also submit it personally.

For further information on the obligation to submit a medical report to the police, see the website of the police (External link). The police may impose a driving ban on a person who has failed to submit a medical report.

Medical report based on a certain age

In order to retain a driving licence for a lorry or bus/coach issued before 19 January 2013, you must submit a medical report to the police at five-year intervals starting when you turn 50, 55, 60 and 65.

  • NB! The provisions of the Directive on driving licences regarding the periodicity of licences and duplicates of licences became applicable in Finland on 1 November 2016. This changed the cycle for submitting medical reports for Group 2 for those persons who have placed an order for a new driving licence since 1 November 2016. These persons will only submit a medical report to Ajovarma after the duplicate they have ordered has expired as they renew their right to drive. Applicants must first attach a medical report to their applications for a renewal of driving licence after they have turned 45.

However, you do not need to submit a medical report if you have already submitted a medical report to a police officer processing driving licences or Traficom's service provider Ajovarma for some other reason within the previous five years.

Forms and instructions

Background information form (External link) (The form is filled out in advance before a medical examination concerning requirements for fitness to drive.)

Group 1 rights to drive:
AM/120, AM/121, A1, A2, A, B, BE, T

Group 2 rights to drive:
C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE
